Wade Tatangelo – Entertainment Editor | Apr 2, 2020 | heraldtribune.com
‒ Performance Copying & Printing, 8010 25th Court E., Sarasota, has launched a new pricing program designed to assist area restaurants and the healthcare industry impacted by COVID-19. Starting immediately, the company is offering a 50%-75% discount for restaurants to use towards pick-up and to-go menus and for area healthcare providers to use towards all COVID-19 related literature and printed materials. Info: 941-351-5500.
‒ Help save a local business
Buy a gift card now, use it later, and help save a local business (or two). Support Local is an initiative that lets you show your support for your local businesses during this challenging time. The platform is built by Gannett, a news media company that includes USA TODAY, Herald-Tribune and hundreds of other local media brands. Our news brands have always had a special relationship with their local businesses and are dedicated to supporting them. We hope that our efforts will allow them to continue to serve their communities in the future. Buy a local gift card now: