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Konica Minolta AccurioPress C4080

Konica Minolta AccurioPress C4080

Amazing New Printing Capabilities

What does this mean for you?

Oversized digital printing with same-day service and unparalleled print quality. Now we can print 6 - 8.5" x 11" pages onto one sheet of paper measuring 11" x 25.5" (or 8 pages onto one 11" x 34" sheet) printed on the front and back. These could be newsletters, brochures, flyers or mailers.
  • 6 page newsletters 11” X 25.5”
  • 8 page newsletters 11” X 34”
  • Banner printing up to 13” x 51”
  • Envelope printing up to 10" x 13"
  • Amazing Print Quality!